Thursday, April 19, 2012

Jobs Involving Travel

As I’ve mentioned before, travel is expensive. This kills me. I understand, of course, the huge costs of plane tickets and hotel rooms – it takes money to run such operations. But I wish, so often, that I was able to drop everything and fly away somewhere at any whim. However, this is not possible. Not only do I have responsibilities and loved ones here, I also have like, no money. (Thanks, tuition). But once I graduate, I’ll have time! I’ll have freedom from paper deadlines and classes! Oh, I’ll have a job. But what if my job allowed for my travel? Is this an unrealistic wish of a travel-deprived girl? Or is it possible? Thankfully, after a little searching on the Internet (oh, Google, what would I do without you?) I learned that this is indeed possible. If travel is what I desire, I can do that – and earn money at the same time. Perfect. What more could a girl want?
So what are these desirable, perfect jobs? According to Matador Abroad, a website devoted to travel for “study, work, and play,” some “awesome travel jobs” are freelance writer/photographer, ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, travel nurse, travel agent, tour guide, Navy sailor, yacht sailor, gigs on cruise ships, an au pair (a nanny or babysitter that might do some housework for a wealthy family), a geologist, a WWOOFer (a volunteer on a farm for room and board through Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms), Peace Corps volunteer, flight attendant, pilot, interpreter/translator, diplomat, missionary, ethnomusicologist, or an airline ready reserve agent.

There you have it! Tons of jobs available for travel-keen individuals! I left out some that were more temporary, but as you can see, these jobs range from permanent to short-term, depending upon your plans and your level of education or interests. Personally, the ESL teacher appealed to me! For more information on these careers (and a few more) and how to get them, check out the website

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